Sacred Heart Music Center


Sacred Heart Music Center *

Sacred Heart Music Center is housed in Sacred Heart Cathedral located in the Central Hillside neighborhood of Duluth, MN. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020, the venue became silent as all of it's planned events and performances were cancelled. To continue making music despite the pandemic, the musicians of SHMC started a YouTube channel and livestreamed monthly concerts. These performances were compiled into a physical CD as well as a digital album.

I was contracted to create the album art for this album and offered three different concepts to the team at SHMC of which you can see below. The final artwork chosen was Option Two. The album is available now.

↳ Sacred Heart “Live From The Heart“
Album art.

↳ 2021

Media + Method
↳ Illustrated in Procreate, printing +
paper collage work. Compiled in
Photoshop + InDesign.
5.59 in. x 4.92 in.


You're Just My Type

